HYDRO-JETTING: Should be Part of your Plumbing Maintenance!
When was the last time that you had your drain lines Cleaned?
Most Business owners, Estate HOAs and Municipal building
superintendents don't think about their drain lines until there
is a problem.
This can be a bad thing when it comes to making
your drain lines last.
Over time, small amounts of grease, soda,
food particles and other items can get stuck in along the walls
of your drain lines, and this can lead to slow drain or a
complete blockage.
Scheduling regular Hydro-jet cleaning
services can prevent these small build-ups from becoming costly
and disgusting drain clogs.

PLUMBING MAINTENANCE: The power of Hydro-Jetting
Over time, the material can build-up in drain lines, causing
clogs and corrosion, especially if there is a lot of grease,
oil, food particles or soda and beer dumped down the lines.
Hydro-jetting your drains on a regular basis can remove the
debris that causes clogs and corrosion before you notice there
is a problem and it can help extend the useful life of your
drain lines.